Friday, December 14, 2007

Practical Enterprise Concurrency

In the second session of the morning, I attended a talk by Rob Harrop on Practical Enterprise Concurrency. It's a highly technical topic and Rob did a great job of presenting it. It's obvious he knows what he's talking about. He covered a variety of topics including:

- The Java Memory Model
- Common Bug Patterns
- JDK Concurrency Utilities
- Testing Concurrent Applications
- Concurrency in Java 7

The bug patterns were pretty common ones that I had seen previously. He touched on the Condition interface as a replacement for wait/notify, which I wasn't previously aware of. He also touched on CountDownLatch as being useful for scheduling parallel tasks. I really need to read the Java Concurrency in Practice book I purchased a couple of months ago.

Overall it was an excellent presentation. In the future, I'll ensure I attend any of Rob's presentations, regardless of the topic. Tonight he's hosting a BOF entitled Extreme Scalability, which should be very interesting given the scalability research I've been doing as of late.

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